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The Activater
The Activater is a person who can do something

Free Activater
Free Activater is a person who can do something with free thoughts

Free Person

What Is Personality?

How you perceive and react to your environment on a day-to-day basis can be measured by your behavior, thoughts, and emotions. You're an “individual” because a unique combination of these characteristics provides the basic foundation of who you are and makes up the personality that your friends and family have come to like (and dislike!).
Personality is something that arises from within and remains quite consistent throughout life, but the environment and the situation play an important role in determining how different aspects of your personality are expressed. There are four fundamental characteristics of personality. First, it is constant and people tend to behave in the same way when they encounter similar situations. Second, personality not only influences actions, but it also actually causes people to behave in specific ways. Third, personality is influenced by both psychological and biological factors. Finally, personality is expressed not only in behaviors, but through emotions, thoughts, social behavior, and close relationships.

Types of Behavior

Behavior is how you react to social and physical aspects of your environment based on your personality. Where one person may never show emotions of anger, joy, grief, or anxiety, another person's responses may be dramatically colored with facial expressions, voice inflections, and hand gestures. Behavior is examined in two ways: internally controlled and externally controlled. Internal theorists believe the individual characteristics of a person dictate the behavioral pattern, while external advocates hold that the behavior is a result of the situation at hand.

Public and Private Personalities

How the world perceives you is a direct reflection of and reaction to how you present yourself to them. Race, age, and gender are qualities you have no control over, but certainly contribute to your personality because of how the world perceives you based on these features. A person who continuously experiences racial discrimination may guard himself against it by at first seeming cold and unfriendly. But once he opens up, you may discover someone completely different inside.
Physical attributes, which you develop over time, also contribute to your personality, and include mannerisms (soft speakers are dubbed “shy” whereas loud speakers are labeled “obnoxious”), gait (purposeful, long strides, bouncy sauntering, etc.), eye contact, and facial expressions. How you want the world to perceive you influences how you present yourself to others. Characteristics such as attitude (friendly, outgoing, standoffish, introverted, etc.), response (polite, thoughtful, rude, arrogant, etc.), and general mindset (are you usually upbeat or moody?) create the surface of your one-of-a-kind personality.
If you're like many people, the aspects of your personality you choose to display might depend the people you encounter. For instance, the personality you exhibit around your boss or psychology professor is probably a lot different from the personality you reveal to your closest friends.
Dig a little deeper, and the private aspect of your being appears: dreams too bizarre to discuss; experiences too sentimental to reveal; fantasies that may seem childish to others; goals, standards, and morals you aspire to; daily internal dialogue, thoughts, and ideas — all of these elements make up the “you” that only you truly know. And only you can decide when to share these parts of your personality with others. For example, you might be outgoing, courageous, intelligent, and have a lovely voice, but when you step up to the podium to deliver a speech in front of twenty people, you suddenly become anxious, fearful, and at a loss for words.
by Kendra Cherry


Types of Personality

How To Enjoy Life Every Day

The “Every Day Mindset” is a simple, yet extremely powerful, way in which to live your life. What is this mindset? Put simply, it is a mindset that remembers that this day you are currently living will only ever happen once, and it therefore encourages you to make the most of it.
It is not about recklessly living life as if there is no tomorrow. The future is important to plan for, but it is important not to obsess about it to the extent that you neglect the present. Remember, the only way to get to the future is through a series of todays. Since this Every Day Mindset has changed my life, I would like to share with you 3 specific ways in which I apply it:

1. Enjoy Every Day

I choose to enjoy every day. I wake up early at 5am because I am excited about the day ahead, and throughout the day I try to maintain a positive attitude. Yes, sometimes “shit happens” and I don’t have a good day. But I figure if I at least try to have fun and be happy there is a good chance I will enjoy myself.
What I am particularly interested in is ways to enjoy my time at work. Most people know how to enjoy their leisure time, but many people struggle to imagine being happy at work. If this is you, here are a few quick tips:
  • Do what you love: this should be your ultimate career goal. I know it’s easier said than done, but just remember it is possible.
  • Make friends with your co-workers: in so many ways, it is our relationships with people that give us the most happiness in life. So take the time and effort to become friends with the people you work with.
  • Take pride in your work: even if you aren’t saving lives, chances are you are contributing in some positive way to society. Take pride in your work and you are sure to feel better about yourself.
  • Stop waiting: stop waiting for something to occur before you are happy. Because guess what? Chances are that a better title, more money, a car bay, or that nice corner office with the great view will not make a significant and lasting difference to your level of happiness.

2. Take Smalls Steps

I have some big dreams and ambitious goals for my life. I’m also human, which means I suffer from fear, self-doubt, and procrastination. This means that if I’m not careful, big and ambitious become overwhelming and intimidating. And the danger with feeling overwhelmed is that I won’t take actions towards my dreams and goals.
What I have discovered is that the big things can result from taking small steps. As Lao Tzu once said: “A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.” What this means in the context of the Every Day Mindset is that each day I try to get a little bit closer to fulfilling my dreams and achieving my goals. And so long as I am making progress, I feel happy. Here is my favorite tip for taking small steps towards big dreams and goals:
  • Try to improve 1% each day: this doesn’t seem like much, but imagine how much you will have changed after just one month. So try being 1% happier, healthier, and productive than yesterday and see what happens.

3. Make Your Habits Daily

Motivation is an ongoing struggle for me because I find it comes in peaks and troughs. What I discovered was that during these troughs, many of my good habits would slip away. For example, when it came time to exercise I would tell myself “I will exercise tomorrow”, despite having previously committed myself to exercising at that particular time. When I changed my mindset to one in which I exercised every day, this excuse disappeared. And guess what? It made all the difference.
So to make a habit stick, commit to doing it daily. If you would like some suggestions for daily habits to incorporate into your life, I suggest reading my articles 24 Daily Habits and12 More Daily Habits. Here are a few of my favorite habits from the aforementioned articles:
  • Exercise Your Brain: exercising your brain is as important (if not more!) than exercising your muscles. In the past year I taken to Sudoku and Kakuro as ways to stimulate my brain and have fun. Other suggestions are crosswords, quizzes, and brain teasers.
  • Celebrate Your Successes: I find its so important to take time each and every day to celebrate your successes. This doesn’t have to involve opening a bottle of bubbly – quite often a mental pat on the back will do.
  • Ping a Friend: I try to send a quick email or text to a friend each day. It’s a great way to stay in touch with friends when I am extremely busy.

Examples of Personality Traits

Before you can define who you are, you have to understand your personality. Ask yourself a question, such as “What do I like to do?” or "who am I?" When you can answer that question, then you can use the information to discover what your personality is.
There are many different personality types, and it is sometimes difficult to classify a person into a single type as there are many different personality traits you can possess.

Types of Personality Traits

Personality traits are simply:
  • Actions
  • Attitudes
  • Behaviors you possess

Positive Personality Traits

Some personality traits are positive:
  • Being honest no matter what the consequences are is one personality trait people should aspire to.
  • Having responsibility for all of your actions and being a little bit of a perfectionism are also personality traits.
  • Adaptability and compatibility are great and can help you get along with others.
  • Having the drive to keep going, and having compassion and understanding are positive personality traits.
  • Patience is a virtue and also another trait.
  • Getting up the courage to do what’s right in those tough situations and loyalty to your friends and loved ones are laso personality traits.
Here's a few more to consider:
  • Adventurous
  • Affable
  • Conscientious
  • Cultured
  • Dependable
  • Discreet
  • Fair
  • Fearless
  • Observant
  • Impartial
  • Independent
  • Optimistic
  • Intelligent
  • Keen
  • Gragarious
  • Persistent
  • Capable
  • Charming
  • Precise
  • Confident
  • Dutiful
  • Encouraging
  • Reliable
  • Exuberant
  • Helpful
  • Humble
  • Suave
  • Imaginative
  • Meticulous
  • Obedient
  • Trusting
  • Valiant

Negative Personality Traits

Other personality traits are negative. For example:
  • Laziness
  • Picky
  • Sullen
  • Pompous
  • Dishonesty
  • Finicky
  • Sarcastic
  • Pompous
  • Arrogant
  • Cowardly
  • Sneaky
  • Rude
  • Quarrelsome
  • Impulsive
  • Slovenly
  • Self-centered
  • Boorish
  • Surly
  • Unfriendly
  • Unruly
  • Thoughless
  • Stingy
  • Bossy
  • Vulgar
  • Malicious
  • Conceited
  • Obnoxious
A whole host of other bad characteristics can also be considered personality traits if you practice these things habitually.

Determining Personality Types

Your personality type can be determined by many factors. You can approach it the scientific way, by testing yourself and having a psychologist analysis you. A personality test is rather simple. By answering a few questions about your likes and dislikes and where you would like to go in life, a professional can give you a report detailing the type of personality you have.
In psychology, there are five factors that determine different personality types. The big five factors are:
  1. Openness is appreciation for a variety of experience.
  2. Conscientiousness is planning ahead rather than being spontaneous.
  3. Extraversion involves going out with friends and being energetic.
  4. Agreeableness is, as it says, being agreeable.
  5. Neuroticism refers to worrying or being vulnerable.
Your personality test assesses how much of each of these five factors you possess.
Another way of determining your personality type is to just take a long and deep look at yourself. Asking questions is a great way of discovering who you are and what you are. Ask things like: “If a child is hurt and alone, what would you do?” The main thing you want to know is if you are a good person.

How Do I Create My Personality?

Your personality is entirely up to you. It is in the actions you take and the decisions you make. Either you are a patient person, or not; a responsible person or not. The only way to change your personality is to take active steps to become the person you want to be.
Taking up a hobby is a great way to become well rounded and improve your personality. Sports can make you stronger, arts and crafts can make you patient, volunteering can make you caring. Even just reading a book can push you to be better. 
How Can My Personality Affect Others?
Being positive and upbeat can influence everyone around you, and so can negativity. For example, a friendly smile to a stranger can brighten up their day, as a glare can frighten them and cause their mood to drop. Like the famous quote, “Do unto others as you would have them do to you”.
While you may not be able to help it if you are having a bad day or if you don’t like doing a particular thing, changing your attitude changes everything. Complaining and sulking will only make time drag on when doing an unpleasant task. Singing a song in your head or even humming makes it just a little easier to deal with. Being a pleasant person helps every day.
Understanding examples of personality traits is a great way to start the journey into self discovery. Remember, if you’re up for the challenge, you can make positive changes to your personality type.

3 Types of Personality Disorders

Personality Disorders
Personality Disorders
A human being’s ability to behave in a manner fitting to the norms of society is usually expected.  Unfortunately, for people personality disorders, fitting into society is a substantial challenge.
A personality disorder is defined as severe disturbance in the typical behavioral tendencies in an individual, and usually involves more than one area of the personality.  Personality disorders are almost always associated with substantial amounts of personal and social disruption, causing the individuals to struggle in their daily personal and social lives.
Personality disorders usually appear and are diagnosed in late adolescence and often manifest going into adulthood.  This fact leads to diagnoses usually appearing after the late teenage years, as the disorders may not form until the individual reaches mental maturity.  Personality disorders usually produce ego-syntonic behavior, or consistent with the ego integrity of the individual, and, therefore, are usually considered appropriate by the individual.  This may cause the negative behavioral patterns to be inflexible and tough to change.
There are 3 types of disorders that affect the personality, and a diagnosis of these personality disorders usually require certain criteria.  For one, behavior must clearly deviate from the expectations of the surrounding culture.  Secondly, the pattern of behavior must be inflexible across a broad range of situations and cause significant distress in social or occupational functioning.  Thirdly, the pattern of negative behavior must have been of long duration and traced back to at least adolescence or early adulthood.  Lastly, the negative behavior must not be a manifestation of another mental disorder or due to the direct effects of a substance or medical condition.
The rest of this article focuses on the 3 cluster types of personality disorders:
1.  Cluster A – odd or eccentric disorders
- Paranoid disorder: this disorder is characterized the irrational suspicion of others
- Schizoid disorder: shows a lack of interest in social events and relationships, avoids time with others
- Schizotypal disorder: shows odd behavior of unnatural thinking
2.  Cluster B – dramatic, emotional or erratic disorders
- Antisocial disorder: does not care about the law or the rights of others
- Borderline disorder: thinking is extreme on either end, lack of stability in relationships, identity, and behavior patterns.
- Histrionic disorder: attention-seeking behavior that includes sexual seductiveness and emotions inappropriate in typical society.
- Narcissistic disorder: pervasive patterns of grandiosity, need for attention, and a lack of empathy for others.
3. Cluster C – anxious or fearful disorders
- Avoidant disorder: lack of social drive, low self-esteem, extremely sensitive to criticism.
- Dependent disorder: pervasive psychological dependence on other individuals
- Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder: shows a strict conformity to rules, moral codes and order.
Also unofficially included in the list of personality disorders are 2 disorders in Appendix B:
- Passive-aggressive personality disorder: shows patterns of negative attitudes and passive resistance to others.
- Depressive disorder: shows depressive cognitions and behaviors
Deleted from the official list of personality disorders are:
- Sadistic disorder: shows patterns of cruelty and aggressive behavior
- Self-defeating disorder (masochistic personality disorder): shows behavior that goes against the person’s own goals and pleasure.
by Tim Du
Counselor Network Writer

How To Get Rid Of Anxiety

Anxiety disorders can seriously affect someone’s life in such areas as the school, work place and even socially. Anxiety attacks can make someone withdraw from his or her friends and family and live in solitary. Marriages has been torn apart and families ruined by this disorder. This calls for solutions on how to get rid of anxiety before it ruins a person’s life. Treatment will help you gain control of your life again and live the way you want.
how to get rid of anxiety
Fear, insomnia, constant panic, dry mouth, sleep disturbances, pain attacks, indigestion, fast heartbeat, difficulty in breathing, excessive perspiration, headaches, uncontrollable thoughts, excessive perspiration, chest and bodily pain are some of the common symptoms. Any appearance of these symptoms indicates great possibility that the person in question is suffering and he or she should take measures to combat this syndrome.
In order to know the best way of how to get rid of anxiety, you first need to clarify and define what type of anxiety you are suffering from. There are a number of anxiety disorders that you can be diagnosed for. This include pain attacks, social anxiety disorders, obsessive compulsive disorders, post-traumatic stress disorders, generalized anxiety disorders, and phobias. All of these disorders can be cured or healed in the same way by a combination of therapy, medicines and self-care.
Once you identify the kind of disorder you are experiencing, you can now concentrate on its treatment. It is much easier to embark on treatment if you understand what causes it and how it affects you. There numerous causes of this syndrome which include imbalances in your brain chemicals, trauma or accidents that you might have faced, stress, insomnia, diseases such as asthma, hypoglycemia and thyroid problems. In some cases, it is diagnosed to be hereditary and running through the family descent.
After establishing the cause, your physician will suggest a behavioral therapy depending on the type you are suffering from. For instance, cognitive behavioral therapy will help you to focus your thoughts and behaviors and establish the relation between the two. This requires you to give your therapist all the details of personal life history. It is imperative that you give honest life history for the right and effective diagnosis and application of the correct behavioral and lifestyle changes that will successfully help you get rid of anxiety.
Another effective alternative is exposure therapy. In this case, you are brought face to face with your fears either in reality or imagination in a controlled environment. Having faced your fears and learning the fact that they can never harm you will greatly help you to cope with them and get control over your life situation. Other therapies applied include acceptance and commitment therapy, interpersonal therapy, dialectical behavioral therapy and eye movement desensitization and reprocessing therapy.
Finally, taking a healthy diet and exercising regularly is the key in combating this disorder. A diet rich in vitamins B, C, D and E as well as zinc, calcium and magnesium and a lot of fruits and vegetables will be of great help. Relaxation exercise such as meditation, aerobics, breathing exercises have also proven to be effective. Alternative medicine such as massage therapy, color therapy, aromatherapy and Reiki will help overcome anxiety naturally. Hope you enjoy how to get rid of anxiety article here.

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